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Connecting to the Research Data Storage Service

The Research Data Storage Service (RDSS) is a system run by the Research Data group in the Advanced Research Computing department, and is designed to help with data storage during and after a project. Several solutions for copying data between RDSS and the central UCL research computing platforms are presented below. Sections of the example code surrounded by angle brackets (\<>) should be replaced by the information indicated (do not keep the angle brackets in).

Between Myriad and RDSS§

If you already have an account with the Research Data Storage Service, you can transfer data directly between Legion and Research Data Storage using the Secure Copy (scp) command.

From RDS to Myriad§

If you are on an RDSS login node, you can transfer data to Myriad’s Scratch area at the highest rate currently possible by running the command:

scp data_file.tgz

Or from somewhere within Myriad (including compute nodes in running jobs) running the command:

scp ~/Scratch/

From Myriad to RDSS§

From Myriad, send data to your project space on RDSS by running the command:

scp data_file.tgz<path_to_project_space>

The RDSS support pages provide more information: